Best Extension Cord? Flexzilla, US Wire, Yellow Jacket, Southwire, Husky, Woods, Bergen Industries « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers!

2022-08-12 23:25:59 By : Ms. LEO LI

My rather old house is in need of a lot of updating and it seems the people who lived here before us made many one-off updates, leaving the breaker box in the basement to resemble some kind of Frankenstein-adjacenet creature. We’ll need to eventually do a big overhaul with an electrician but for now, it means I’ve become heavily dependent on various extension cords placed all over my home. Some are definitely better than others, and they don’t come cheap, which is why I’m definitely bookmarking this super handy video from Project Farm.

15 extension cords: Project Source, Vanguard, Woods, Yellow Jacket, Southwire, Husky, Utilitech, Snow joe, Flexzilla Pro, Bergen Industries, GoGreeen, US Wire, and US Wire Extreme. Extension cords tested for voltage drop, cold temperature flexibility, extension cord end performance, cord tensile strength, extension cord end separation strength, jacket abrasion resistance, and jacket puncture resistance. The comparison is for 14 gauge extension cords. A 10, 12 and 16 gauge cord is also used to demonstrate the impact wire gauge has on extension cord performance. Please let me know if you’d like a 12 gauge extension cord comparison. I purchased all of the extension cords and supplies used to test the cords. So, thank you for supporting the channel.

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