888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
ARDEN, N.C. , June 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- This newly released spiritual memoir strikes a cord, bringing hope and inspiration during these troubled times.
Within the first 48 hours of the official release, it reached # 1 in Amazon's HOT NEW RELEASES in NINE categories:
- Dreams - Energy Healing - Faith & Spirituality - Health & Spirituality - Inspirational Personal Testimonies - New Age Reincarnation - Personal Transformation & Spirituality - Spiritual Healing - Women's Personal Spiritual Growth
Psychic dreams and visions, remembering past lives, and becoming an intuitive shamanic healer—this is the story of an ordinary woman's extraordinary spiritual journey. With raw honesty, Chloe shares her story of awakening to her Divine purpose, healing herself, and her journey to heal others. She reveals the Divine pathway to a more peaceful, happy, fulfilled and healthy life.
Chloe's extraordinary journey is filled with miracles, visions, lucid and prophetic dreams, parallel universes, and knowledge of past lives. She healed herself from deeply embedded trauma, an incurable illness, and serious medical conditions.
"Chloe's heartfelt journey is the real deal here to inspire us all. A must-read for all who want true transformation."—Dr. Shannon South , Award-Winning Therapist, Best-Selling Author
"Every experience written by Chloe in her spiritual memoir has a healing purpose. She reveals to us the importance of connection—with the spiritual world, physical world, and our past lives to the present. Chloe reminds us we are essential in the Universe; when we heal, our loved ones, people around us, and the Earth also heal. This book is truly for everyone."—Eduardo Morales , Shamanic Curandero, Tepoztlán, Mexico
"WISDOM KEEPER is filled with wonderful personal experiences on the power of healing, visualizations, dreams, and listening to our inner voices. Chloe describes encounters with others on a multitude of levels, including sacred beings, shamans, and other deep-souled humans. This book inspires the reader to go deep within themselves and invite their own personal self-healer to emerge."—River Guerguerian , Sound Immersion Healer, Musician, Educator
"A fascinating read!"—Caleb, USA
"Your inspiring memoir is engaging and thought-provoking throughout. It brings together the highest spiritual insights and practical frameworks that everyone can understand and apply."-—Louise, Australia
"Your story is quite remarkable."—Michael, USA
"The writing style is amazing. Your life experiences are so unique."—Taibaya, Pakistan
"This life story is remarkable, inspiring and thrilling. It is edge-or-your-seat material. I heartily recommend it."—Bert Kempner
Media Contact: Chloe Kemp 828.539.0013 ChloeKempWisdomKeeper.com
Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET