JICA aims to support Africa’s build forward better towards a resilient, inclusive, and prosperous continent. Under this objective, JICA is strengthening its cooperation to Africa not only through the JOCV program, but also through other schemes according to the three pillars of TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development): Society, Economy, and Peace.
Impact of TICAD 8 to Tanzania development
TICAD 8 will take place in the Republic of Tunisia on August 27 and 28, 2022.
TICAD is an international conference on the theme of development in Africa. The first conference (TICAD 1) was held in 1993 under the leadership of the Japanese government.
TICAD is an open forum in which not only African countries but also international organizations, the private sector, and civil society organizations engaging in Africa’s development will participate, and where their wisdom and efforts will be concentrated and discussed and truly lead to the development of Africa. TICAD values African ownership and international partnership.
JICA Tanzania Office is implementing in the areas of health, water, agriculture, transport and infrastructures, private sector and industrial development, power and energy, and sports and development according to three pillars (Society, Economy and Peace) in Tanzania.
In response to TICAD aim, JICA supports the Tanzanian health system strengthening towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH).
What JICA has done to improve health sector in Tanzanians Society?
JICA and the ministry implemented the Project for Strengthening Regional Referral Hospital Management (RRHMP) in 2015 - 2020, strengthening hospital management and quality improvement in health care services at Regional Referral Hospitals.
The five-year project applied the 5S-KAIZEN (a Japanese philosophy, which means ‘Change for the better’ or ‘Continuous improvement’) and Total Quality Management (TQM) approaches to improve resource management and quality of services.
As TICAD aspirates to improve water supply in the African countries, JICA has for over the past 15 years supported the Zanzibar Water Authority (ZAWA) to improve its management capacity, invest in infrastructure and strengthen its maintenance and management capacity.
What JICA has done to improve water supply in Tanzanian Society?
JICA supports medium- and long-term water resource management to avoid salinity damage caused by over-dependence on groundwater, especially in Zanzibar.
[Zanzibar Urban Water Distribution Facilities Improvement Project (ZUWDFI)]
The objective of the project is to provide safe and stable water supply services in Zanzibar urban west area through development and renewal of water supply facilities thereby improving the living environment of the area.
[Project for the management of groundwater resource in Zanzibar ]
As groundwater is the primary source of water in Unguja and Pemba, the project aims at maintaining the balance of fresh water flows to prevent saline water intrusion into the fresh water lens or flowing inland from the sea.
JICA Tanzania office is supporting Agricultural sector through programs/projects under TICAD initiative and all priorities and initiatives set by the Government.
The aim is to support this key sector, which is backbone of Tanzanian economy, contributing to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and export earnings, raw materials for industries and employment opportunities.
What JICA has brought to Agricultural sector in Tanzanian Economy?
JICA also supported rice farming through the Rice Industry Development Project (TANRICE2) which covered major parts of Tanzania, the Small Scale Irrigation Development Project (SSIDP) and Project for Capacity Development for the Promotion of Irrigation Scheme Development under the District Agricultural Development Plans (DADP) Phase 2 (TANCAID2).
Transportation and urban development is one of the TICAD priority sectors to African continent and the same applies to JICA’s cooperation to Tanzania.
What JICA’s transportation and urban Development Projects brought to society in Tanzanian Economy?
[Project for Rehabilitation of Kigoma Port]
Kigoma port is on Lake Tanganyika, connecting Burundi, DR Congo, and Zambia with Tanzania through inland sea. The project, upon completion, will contribute to activate trade and economic activities around Lake Tanganyika and beyond.
JICA supports Arusha-Holili road improvement project with a loan scheme. It will increase capacity of road by widening 2 road sections (Tengeru – Usa River, Moshi town) and constructing a New Kikafu Bridge in Arusha and Kilimanjaro Regions.
5. Private sector and industrial development
Responding to the TICAD top agenda on supporting African development, JICA Tanzania office supports Tanzania’s economic development by utilizing Japanese experience and expertise as well as by directly encouraging the partnership between the Japanese and Tanzanian private sectors in promoting investment and transfer of technology to the country.
What JICA has done to support Private Sector and Industrial Development in Tanzanian Economy?
[Project on Strengthening Manufacturing Enterprises through Quality and Productivity Improvement (KAIZEN Project) ]
Under TICAD initiatives, the project brings Japanese ideology to improve quality and productivity of local industries and services. “Kaizen” is a Japanese word of management methodology/philosophy whose meaning is: “Change for the better” or “Continuous improvement.”
OJT Training from Japanese Expert to KAIZEN Trainers
[Next Innovation with Japan (NINJA) Project]
In 2020, JICA organized a regional business plan competition in Africa, “NINJA”, to discover the innovative business models and technologies that not only provide prescriptive solutions to the global pandemic of COVID-19 but also respond to the expected radical changes in post-pandemic socio-economic reality. It targeted innovative startups and organizations from 19 African countries, including Tanzania.
JICA supports WASSHA (Off-Grid Solar Power Project) Established in 2013, offering electronic services using Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which delivers a completely new experience for people in the off¬-grid areas with affordable, accessible and safe electricity in non-electrified areas.
6. Development on power and energy sector
TICAD also promotes power and energy in Africa for development of the continent. JICA supports the “Vision 2025” of the Government of Tanzania that targets to generate 10,000MW from the current 1,565 MW (2020) and 85% electrification rate in the country.
What JICA has done to improve power and energy in Tanzanian Economy?
Aligning with the power system master plan, JICA supports development of international transmission line, main transmission line in several cities as well as capacity development of operation and maintenance in transmission and distribution part.
Kenya - Tanzania Power Interconnection Project
[Kenya - Tanzania Power Interconnection Project (KTPIP)]
The objective of the project is to promote power interchange and increase power supply reliability in Eastern African countries as well as ensuring stable and reliable power supply in Tanzania. The 400kv transmission lines and related substations are constructed from Singida in Tanzania to Isinya in Kenya.
JICA together with National Sports Council (NSC) and Athletics Tanzania (AT) conducted a Female Track and Field event “Ladies First” for three consecutive years (2017 to 2019) for women in Tanzania. The main objective of the event was to encourage and promote sports for women in the country as well as enlightening gender equality, women empowerment and achievement of SDGs.
Female Athletes competing at the Ladies First in 2019 at Benjamin Mkapa Stadium in Dar es Salaam
What JICA has done to promote stabilization of peace in Africa?
In regards with TICAD aim for promoting stabilization of peace, In 2019, the Ladies First Event was extended to South Sudan, whereby the delegation of four female athletes from South Sudan came to participate on the event together with Tanzanian athletes.
The details of the TICAD8 JICA side events including their registrations are provided by the following link. Delegates of Tanzanian high rank officials are expected to attend the events as guest speakers.
JICA commenced the cooperation in Tanzania 60 years ago, in 1962.
Web Page to JICA Tanzania Office:
(English) https://www.jica.go.jp/tanzania/english/index.html