The woman's death in 1822 must have been a passing that was difficult for the printer of The Ohio Repository to report.
"DIED at Huntingdon, Pa., on the 13th of July last, after a sickness of two weeks, Mrs. Hanna Saxton, (wife) of Mr. James Saxton, and mother of the printer of this paper."
John Saxton, who founded the Repository at the end of March 1815, was telling his readers of his mother's death barely seven years later.
On occasion, the writers of the news are part of the daily report. Sometimes it's personal.
Actually, all the news reported in such publications – the Repository was printed weekly in those days – strikes a personal cord with many members of a community, especially one that was small and growing 200 years ago.
Sharing space in the short column of brief obituaries on page 3 of the 4-page Repository edition of Thursday, Aug. 1, 1822, was a note on the passing of a woman who had died the previous Saturday of "a violent attack of dysentery."
People found it more difficult to endure and survive common diseases two centuries prior to our modern era of medical marvels.
And, dysentery was indeed common in 1822. Other news items in the Repository editions of July 1822 make that obvious.
The disease and its symptoms were mentioned frequently in the newspaper.
A letter to the editor published on Page 3 of the Repository edition of July 18, 1922, addressed to "Friend Saxton" and written by someone identified as "A Friend To The Poor," suggested a "Cure For The Dysentery."
It was an unorthodox treatment, even medical types of the time no doubt would have believed.
"I trust thee will serve the cause of humanity by inserting the following ...Take one gill (one-fourth of a pint) of good old whiskey if it can be had, or good whiskey at least, and put therein one heaped tablespoonful of the best unbleached ashes, and stir it well, then let it settle clean," the letter writer suggested.
"Then pour the clean liquor off and drink the same in the space of an hour, at intervals; this for the temperate person, and more if not; but a good criterion is, to take until a partial intoxication takes place."
Page three of the Repository was the location in the newspaper for local news. Deaths and weddings were announced weekly.
"MARRIED – On Sunday the 21st ... by John Halliwell Esq., Mr. Edward Sweaney to Miss Catharine Ettleman, all of Jackson Township," one such wedding announcement reported on July 25, 1822.
"MARRIED – On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr. Young, Mr. Adam Foole to Miss Catharine Shorb, daughter of Mr. Stephen Shorb, of Perry Township," announced another item on June 27, 1822.
Lists of letters received by the Post Office was offered almost weekly by the postmaster, who happened at the time to be John Saxton. Well over 100 names were listed on July 4, 1822, for example, notifying individuals that they needed to pick up their mail at a time in history when home delivery was not commonplace.
Ordinances voted on by area lawmakers were publicized, as they are today, in such a local newspaper as the Repository.
"An Ordinance to establish a Fire Company in Canton," began one publication of a pending ordinance printed in the July 25, 1822, edition of the Repository. "That the President of said town is hereby authorized and required to cause to be enrolled, a suitable number of persons, who will become members of the Fire Company of Canton, by signing a writing to that effect; to give notice of the time and place for such company to hold its first election of officers, which should be by ballot."
Page 2 of the Repository 200 years ago was devoted to world news, most often reprinted from other publications throughout the United States and Europe. Wars in far-away lands were reported. National and international politics was discussed. Diseases on other continents and countries were identified long before they reached domestic shores.
In some cases, the sad news – refugees from other countries, for example – was not unlike the reports that appear on the national and world news pages of today.
"A cavalcade of about 140 persons, poor agriculturiate, passed through Sheffield in the middle of May, (bound) for the United States," reported an article from the Niles Register carrying the headline indicating that it was "Great Britain & Ireland" news, "carrying with them their bedding, clothing, provisions, Etc."
The fourth and final page of The Ohio Repository in the summer of 1822, as always, was mostly advertisements. Ads for mill stones, stoneware, grain, domestic goods, ashes, wool carding, cut nails, tailoring, attorneys, houses and land on which to build them were placed in the newspaper on July 18, 1822.
Bills had to be paid by John Saxton, who "Printed and Published" his newspaper, along with other printed items, "near the south-west end of Market Street," so he accepted and printed the page full of advertisements, adding his own little declaration in the lower right corner.
"Subscriptions, advertisements & printing of every description thankfully received, and punctually attended to," he promised, noting that he was willing to be paid in such items as sugar, tallow, feathers, wool, iron, cheese, linen, rags, beeswax, flax, butter, "or even cash."
Saxton often added more news about his business on the cover of his newspaper. "Terms of Publication" reported subscription information, for example. Additional ads also were printed on that initial page.
Certainly the front page of the Repository two centuries ago, historians now can see, was relegated to less sensational or timely news items than readers are used to seeing today. For example, the printer passed on to his public on a weekly basis in those middle-of-the-year months a list of delinquent taxpayers.
Such tax news got a bit testy late in the month. Also published on the bottom of Page 1 on July 25, 1822, was an announcement from the tax collector, a man named J. Augustine, that new taxes were now due.
"Prepare to pay your TAXES," the bottom-of-the-page article ordered.
"Notice is hereby given that I will, immediately after the first day of August next, proceed to collect the state and country taxes within the county of Stark for the year 1822. ... Those who have not paid their county tax for the last year are requested to remember that the Collector is accountable, and that it is not in his power to indulge them any longer."
Reach Gary at On Twitter: @gbrownREP.