Newswise — Updated: Two virtual news briefings will cover the latest research and discoveries from the field of psychological science. Both briefings will feature a small number of particularly compelling talks selected from among approximately 1,600 accepted presentations at the 2022 Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS), held May 26 to 29 in Chicago, Illinois.
UPDATED Topics: Press Briefing 1, May 27, 10 a.m. CDT: Effect of Abuse on the Brain, Helping Minorities Cope With Stress, Pandemic and Academic Stress, Reading Aloud to Boost Intelligence, and Epigenome and Childhood Development
Press Briefing 2, May 28, 11 a.m. CDT: Stress in the Operating Room, Personality Shifts, Love and Hate, Fake News, and Talking Longer
On-site registration for the meeting has closed because of vaccine-verification policies. For more information and to register for virtual briefings, contact [email protected] .
2022 Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science (APS)
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