Best CB Radio Options For Jeep Owners -

2022-09-16 22:14:33 By : karen liu

No, you haven’t been transported back in time to the 1970’s while reading this article about the best CB radio for Jeep owners. CBs continue to be a reliable form of communication and, as you know with that knackered off-road rig you refuse to get rid of, it’s a good idea to stick with what works.

While handheld radios make for a popular communication tool amongst groups of off-road drivers, fixed CB radios can offer better range and have the advantage of not getting lost under the seat when you need it most. Also, there’s little worry about the thing running low on battery life, as happened to your author while piloting a Ford Raptor through the Mojave desert. Chatting with the driver behind us, he helpfully agreed to honk his horn when he heard my truck being given the all-clear to drive through the obstacle since my handheld was deader than disco.

That likely won’t happen with a dedicated CB radio. Here are some suggestions for those of you with a Jeep Wrangler in the driveway and a propensity to talk on the airwaves.

Measuring just 6 inches by 4 inches, or about the size of two packs of smokes, this Uniden is a prime candidate for installation anywhere that space is at a premium – such as the cluttered interior of your Jeep. It’ll operate on any of the 40 FCC-approved frequencies, so you and your buddies aren’t limited to the crowded channels that everyone else uses. An external speaker is recommended, as the compact built-in speaker can be difficult to hear with background noise. Marketed as an ‘off-road’ product, its rugged components and materials are capable of withstanding harsh environments, making it a solid choice for a Jeep CB radio.

Like the Uniden product listed above, the Cobra brand name has been around this corner of the vehicle electronics industry for many years, making any number of radar detectors and CB radios. This could be your next Jeep JK CB radio, packed with 40-channel capability and immediate access to emergency channel 9 and NOAA weather channels (it automatically tunes in to the strongest weather channel). The Cobra 29 LX comes equipped with a heavy duty microphone with adjustable dynamike boost that increases the microphone’s sensitivity to improve clarity.

Here’s an option in which the CB’s guts are essentially packed into the microphone. The unit is bigger than a simple mic, of course, but it does eliminate the need to mount a rectangular box somewhere in the cab of your Jeep. It can run off a 12V outlet or 6 AA batteries, meaning it could also be deployed on vehicles that may not have a built-in 12V source of power like older side-by-sides. This is not a problem when deployed as a Jeep CB radio, of course. This is a well-reviewed unit, with many real-world customers pointing out the understandable need for an antenna in order to get robust range.

This CB radio – with a brand name that’s causing the spellcheck feature on your author’s computer to have fits – is an affordable option that’s ultra-compact compared the clunkers of yore. Total power output is listed at 4 watts, so hooking up an external speaker isn’t the worst of ideas. As with most radios of this type, it has controls for cleaning up reception and a button for instantly tuning to emergency channels. Equipped with a traditional removable microphone, the mic cord can be stretched a full 78 inches for those times your backseat drivers want a say in the matter.

After selecting one of the CBs listed above, you’ll want install the thing properly by investing in a Jeep JK CB radio mount. This one conveniently goes over the rearview mirror for easy reach and provides a hidden mounting point for your CB. Made from steel with a durable black powder coat finish, it is within reach without having to take your eyes off the road or trail. As a bonus it features a hooked end to secure CB handset cord, so you can feel like one of the Road Hammers. Plus, it’s from the crew at Rugged Ridge who know a thing or two about off-roading. A solid 4.6 out of 5 star rating from nearly 600 reviewers is a surefire confidence builder.

Now you’ve kitted yourself out with a CB radio and attendant mounting kit, it’s a good idea to get something a little more robust than that so-call ‘100mph tape’ with which to install the CB’s whip antenna. This product from a company called Bolaxin is made of stainless steel and is shaped to fit the spare tire carrier of your Jeep JK. More specifically, it is a heavy-duty specific mount for CB, amateur radio, and scanner antennas. While not listed in its recommended uses, there’s a decent chance it could also be used as a base for marker flags while running on desert dunes. Since the mount uses pre-existing holes for the spare tire carrier, there’s no need to take a drill bit to your rig.

Ideally, you want to install the thing somewhere that’s simultaneously easy to reach but also out of your sightlines. Trying to peer around a metal box – no matter its size – in an effort to see the frantic hand gestures of your spotter who’s trying to warn you of catastrophic impending doom is no fun whatsoever. Neither is hammering your noggin on the thing during an exuberant session of wheeling.

It’s not just Smokey and the Bandit who use CB radios, even in this age of modern technology. Anyone who’s out on the trails and trying to keep in contact with their buddies can benefit from one of these things, especially when all hands are out of cell service range. CBs also don’t need to rely on satellites. Always be aware of range, and realize that not all locations can receive a signal – no matter what form of communication (CB, cell, satellite) you’re trying to use.

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