+44 (0)20 7454 5110 from 8 AM - 5:30 PM GMT
+44 (0)20 7454 5110 from 8 AM - 5:30 PM GMT
SINGAPORE , Sept. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- CellResearch Corporation, a Singapore -based biopharmaceutical company today announced it has successfully closed the first Phase I study in CorLiCyte®, a stem cell therapy derived from umbilical cord lining stem cells, with research partners at the University of Colorado , Anschutz Medical Campus and ClinImmune Cell and Gene Therapy.
CorLiCyte® is in development for the treatment of a number of serious conditions, with a first target indication of treating diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). In the study protocol nine patients with chronic DFU were treated with CorLiCyte® twice weekly for 8 weeks. None of the patients participating in the study experienced any treatment-related adverse events and all subjects saw a reduction in wound size during the treatment period.
"These results are encouraging and can be used to support further research with CorLiCyte® in future studies, with the potential to address unmet medical needs in treatment of patients with chronic DFUs." said Cecilia Low-Wang , the lead investigator at the University of Colorado , Anschutz Medical Campus.
CorLiCyte® is a live mesenchymal stem cell therapy derived from human umbilical cord lining stem cells, with a proprietary optimised expression of cytokines, growth and cellular factors for the treatment of a number of serious health conditions. In addition to DFU, CRC is pursuing a range of potential indications at pre-clinical stage such as osteoarthritis, venous leg ulcers, chronic inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.
CellResearch Corporation (CRC) was founded in 2002 as a contract research provider focusing on skin cells. In 2004, the company made the discovery that the umbilical cord lining of mammals was an abundant source of both mesenchymal and epithelial stem cells. Today, the company owns this technology through a family of patents and holds the rights to commercialise this technology in most major markets globally.
CellResearch Consumer Health (Formerly known as CALECIM® Cosmeceuticals) is a wholly owned subsidiary of CRC and produces an innovative range of skin and hair care products using cord lining stem cell media to power its products. It is used in medical hair and aesthetic clinics for in-office treatments and as part of an at-home anti-aging skincare regime. It is distributed globally through over 600 aesthetic physicians and online via its own website. It has a key distribution partnership with Menarini Group across South East Asia .
CRC partner, Cordlife offers parents the opportunity to bank their child's umbilical cord tissue alongside their cord blood. Cordlife has what is believed to be the largest licensed bank of umbilical cord tissue globally. As cell therapies move into the clinic, Cordlife will have the ability to expand stem cells from a banked umbilical cord for autologous and donor-related uses.
Business Development and Investor Relations: Xavier Simpson Tel: +65 8815 6139 Email: xaviersimpson@cellresearchcorp.com
www.cellresearchcorp.com www.calecimprofessional.com
+44 (0)20 7454 5110 from 8 AM - 5:30 PM GMT