Make sure you've got the right kit before setting off on your holiday
It can be a real pain when you turn up to your hotel room just to find you can't charge your phone, laptop or toothbrush because you forgot to pack the correct plug adapter. To help you avoid this annoyance, we've made a list of every country and the type of plug needed so you won't be caught out again.
To start with, it's worth getting to grips with the different sorts of plugs out there and what they're called. In total, there are 15 different plug shapes and sizes, named from A-O.
In Europe, you'll most likely be using a type C plug, whereas in the US, the plug type will typically be type A. When in Asia, things can get a little bit more complicated as you will find that different plug types are used across different countries.
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Below we've made a comprehensive list of each plug type, the countries that use it, and places you can purchase an adapter :
TYPE A: The type A plug has two slits and you might recognise it if you've ever travelled to Bangladesh or the Virgin Islands.
TYPE B: If you've ever found yourself in the Bahamas or Thailand, then you might recognise the type B plug which has the same two slits as the type A, plus an extra oval hole below in the centre.
TYPE C: Many Brits will be familiar with the type C plug as it's very common in France, Spain, Germany and many other European counties. This plug has two simple holes in the centre of the circular plug.
TYPE D:Type D is used in African countries, such as Namibia, and Asian countries such as Sri Lanka. However, it's not the only plug you will find in these continents. The plug itself has three holes - two smaller ones at the base with a larger one at the top to form a triangle.
TYPE E: Some countries are compatible with multiple plug types, like Belgium for example. Here you can use both the type C and E plug. In fact, many countries that use type E also use type C, such as Congo, Faeroe Islands, Mali, Tunisia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and more. Type E looks similar to type D but forms a smaller triangle.
TYPE F: This plug is set in a circle and is very similar to the plugs we see in France (type C). You'll need this plug if you're going to countries such as Suriname, American Samoa, or Monaco, but you can also just pack a type C plug.
TYPE G: You'll be very familiar with this plug as it's the one we have here in the UK. As you know, the plug consists of three prongs.
Here are a few countries you can use your usual appliances in without having to bring an adapter: Uganda, Abu Dhabi, Brunei, Hong Kong, Kenya, and Ireland.
TYPE H: The Gaza Strip, Israel, and Palestine are the only three places that you'll use a type H plug in. It has three hexagonal holes in a triangular shape. However, you're able to use a type C plug in these countries too.
TYPEI: If you're heading to the Australian outback then you'll need the type I plug adapter. While some countries are compatible with multiple plug types, many countries that use type I do not offer alternatives, such as Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, plus more. It looks similar to the UK's plug but the slits are slanted (see picture below).
TYPEJ: You might need a type J adapter if you're travelling to Jordan, Liechtenstein, Maldives, Rwanda, or Switzerland, but these countries all except other plug types as well. The plug itself has three holes very close together in the centre, forming a triangle.
TYPEK:Type K has two holes with a semi circle below - resembling a smiling face. You'll need this if you're holidaying in countries such as Bangladesh, Greenland, and Denmark.
TYPEL: This plug has three holes running horizontally and the type L used in countries such as Chile, Cuba, Italy, Eritrea and San Marino.
TYPEM: Lesotho, India, and Mozambique all use a type M plug, as well as other countries. This plug looks similar to the type D plug but is set in a square, rather than a circular plug.
TYPEN: You'll only need a type N plug if you're going to Brazil or South Africa, however both of these countries are compatible with the type C plug so you may want to consider just taking that if you already own one. The plug has three holes forming a flat triangle shape.
TYPEO: Last but not least, the type O plug has three holes that form a small triangle in the centre of a square plug. Thailand is the only country that uses the type O plug but you can also use A, B, C plugs in this country.
If you're going to multiple countries in one trip and want to pack light, this iBlockCube Worldwide Travel Plug Adapter might be of use to you. The adapter can be used in more than 150+ countries but cannot be used in South Africa, India, Israel, Switzerland and Italy. It sells for £23.99.
For those staying close to home and heading to to Europe, it's likely you'll only need a the type C plug. For those travelling with family or who need multiple things plugged in at once, you can a pack of 5 adapters from Amazon for £10.99.
Type A plugs are used in USA, Canada, Mexico, and Thailand and you can purchase a two pack £7.99 on