How to get your rev2 cable for HP Reverb G2 -

2022-05-14 06:41:43 By : Ms. Na Li

More than a year go, HP launched HP Reverb G2 VR headset, which is somehow a new standard, out of Meta ecosystem and using WMR and Steam as a sources. Its a very recommended and used headset for simracers, due its affordability and quality. In its first months, some problems were detected and HP was working to solve them.

By now, most of you have seen that the Reverb Omnicept has a different cable than the G2.

“Will it work with the G2?” you ask. Why yes it will!

Here is what the new cable has to offer:

“OK,” you may ask, “But what about my G2 that isn’t Omnicept? We want this too!”

Well the good news is that we will be rolling this cable into newly produced Reverb G2 and Omnicept. Even for support!

So, if you have a Rev1 G2 cable, and are having connectivity issues, contact support and let them know the problem and any new cable that is sent out will be the Rev2! (With “Magic Tech™*”!!!)

*“Magic Tech” means that we have built a USB hub module into the new link box which cleans up the signal.*Magic Tech is not a Trade Mark of HP Inc or any of its subsidiaries. I just made it up to amuse myself.

Q: Who can get a cable? A: if you have an issue with your cable or if you have an AMD based system, you can ask for one and one will be sent. Any new cable that is sent out will be the Rev2. **DISCLAIMER: **This only applies if your G2 is under warranty.

Q:How do I get one? A: Call up the support team and they can supply you with one. If you want extras, they are also sold online as accessories.

Q: What is different with this cable? A: This cable has been improved with the “Magic tech” that is really a built in, and qualified hub in the new link box, that cleans up the signal.

Q: Have these been thoroughly tested on AMD systems? A: We expanded our AMD testing for this cable and worked directly with AMD to confirm this new cables fixes the no-connection issues.

Q: What if I have a Rev1 cable that isn’t having issues, can I call support and get a Rev2? A: We would prefer that only people with issues and AMD systems to call and get the new cable at the moment. Please keep in mind that stock is ready to go and there are people that NEED these cables in order to enjoy their experience with their Reverb G2, so keep them in mind.

Q: What if the agent doesn’t know anything about the cable? A: The agents should be looking up Advisories when customers call in. It seems they don’t always do this. In this case, they have to. Tell them to search for ‘new 6m cable’ and it should make it the first hit in the search results.

If you want to buy a spare cable, you can do so here:!

This is for the US, but you can search in your region too. 🙂

If you have other questions, please ask away!

Edit: The internal information about the cable has been sent to the call centres, but it seems some agents have not gotten the word yet. There is what we call an EA (Engineering Advisory) in the system and agents should always be looking at these when in a call… it seems some forget to do this. Call back and tell them to look at the “EA” and have them search for “New 6M Cable”.

The old part number automatically rolls to the new cable so you will get one if they know or not. If you do, for some reason, get an old cable (You shouldn’t as we purged the Rev1 cables, just call back and explain the situation – get me involved if needed.)

Edit: Added disclaimer about warranty requirement.

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