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GURUGRAM, India , Aug. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- ReNew Energy Global plc ("ReNew" or "the Company") (NASDAQ: RNW) (NASDAQ: RNWWW), India's leading clean energy company, today announced that it has tied up with 12 internati
Shares of clean energy companies soared Thursday, after Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin pulled an about-face and agreed to an economic bill that includes climate spending. "Details of the bill are not yet available, but based on commentary from the Senators, we expect spending on clean energy (inc
The memory of aging mice improved when they received a substance found in the spinal fluid of young animals and young people. The finding suggests a new approach to treating Alzheimer's disease.
Next up, scientists are trying a new approach to reversing memory loss. NPR's Jon Hamilton r
A highly disturbing and realistic possibility — one, in fact, that has been a headache for years — has moved up a notch amid the Russia-sparked war in Ukraine. Russia could launch a devastating attack on the U.S. power grid. The country has inflicted malware on America in the past and migh
Negotiators at talks to revive Iran's nuclear deal were cautiously optimistic that the parties were moving toward an agreement, with the head of the UN's atomic energy agency set to travel to Tehran this weekend.
"We are at the final stages of the ViennaTalks on the JCPOA. Some rele
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Unit 1 of the Taishan nuclear power plant in China's Guangdong province offline has been reconnected to the electricity grid after having been offline for more than a year followi
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While you may love watching TV, making coffee in t
August 08, 2022 09:00 ET | Source: Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Future Market Insights Global and Consulting Pvt. Ltd. <
Prysmian has awarded Sumitomo Electric Industries with a contract for the supply of 150 kilometers of HVDC submarine cable for the NeuConnect Interconnector between the UK and Germany.
Sumitomo Electric has been appointed as a subcontractor to supply a section of 525 kV HVDC mass impregn
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