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Furthermore, the market report tracks the worldwide sales of Appliance Power Cord in 20+ high-growth markets, at the side of analyzing
image: Tokyo’s landscape from the Sky Tree tower view more
Credit: Ayyoob Sharifi/Hiroshima University
Since 2003, three of the nuclear power plants that supplied Tokyo, Japan with its electricity shut down. Researchers suspected that this would have
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Tesla vehicle at WiTricity wireless recharging station.
Concerns of where they'll plug in an electric vehicle to replenish its charge is a major obstacle for many consumers not ready to trade in their gas burners for battery-powered rides. It's also an inconvenience and efficiency issue
Updated on: July 25, 2022 / 4:55 PM / CBS San Francisco
SAN JOSE -- A major Japanese semiconductor company has big plans for an upcoming expansion in Silicon Valley.
Tokyo-based Renesas Electronics Corporation -- one of the biggest makers of semicondu
As July comes to a close, edie and our innovation partner Springwise have rounded up six of the best breakthrough technologies that could help accelerate the transition to a sustainable future, including off-grid, low-carbon hydrogen production units.
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