From August 5 to 7, Pokémon GO Trainers in Sapporo, Japan, will be experiencing the GO Fest, an exciting during which Ultra Beast Xurkitree will be making its debut. Xurkitree is an Electric-type pocket monster characterized by a humanoid body made up of electrical wiring. This Ultra Beast can also be Shiny, appearing in light blue electrical cords instead of its default black look. As one might expect, this debut encounter, as well as the rest of the GO Fest in Sapporo, is limited to those physically living or staying within Japan. However, there is a small Collection Challenge event in which Trainers all over the globe can participate.
During the Pokémon GO Fest in Sapporo, Trainers have the opportunity to encounter Pansage , a member of the elemental monkeys available only in Asia. To unlock this encounter, players must participate in the Collection Challenge occurring alongside the GO Fest.
To complete the Collection Challenge during the Pokémon GO Fest in Sapporo, Trainers must catch the following Grass-type Pokémon that will appear more frequently in the wild between August 5 to 7:
After successfully catching all six of these Grass-type Pokémon, Trainers will be rewarded with the following:
The Stardust can be used to Power Up Pokémon in Pokémon GO , strengthening their capabilities in battle. Pinap Berries can be fed to wild Pokémon to increase the number of Candy it yields before being caught. As for Pansage, here are its elemental resistances and weaknesses, including its best Moveset.
As a Grass-type, Pansage is highly effective against Pokémon such as Omanyte, Kabuto, Wooper, Marshtomp, and Barboach.
Pokemon GO is available on iOS and Android.
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Hi. Thanks for the useful information. ...
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