Electrical fires are the second leading cause of fire deaths in Massachusetts, and older adults are particularly at risk for such a fire because of the age of their homes. Houses that were built before most people had a washer, dryer, dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker, computer and gaming console don’t necessarily have an electrical system that has kept up with those amenities.
Electric current is the power running along wires in the home. It generates heat as it travels. The electrical current is like water running through a hose. The size of the cord can carry only so much electricity before it starts to overheat. The insulation on home wiring, the fuses and the other parts of the electrical system are all designed to carry a certain amount of electricity safely. The more electricity that is drawn along a cord, the more quickly it heats up.
It is important to know the warning signs of potentially dangerous electrical problems. Frequent problems with blowing fuses or tripping circuit breakers; a tingling feeling when you touch an electrical appliance; discolored or warm wall outlets; a burning or rubbery smell coming from an appliance; flickering or dimming lights; and sparks from an outlet are indicators that a qualified electrician should be consulted.
The most common causes of electrical fires in the homes of older adults are overloaded circuits or power strips, the overuse of extension cords, and pinched electrical cords. It is extremely important not to overload outlets and power strips. One appliance should be used per outlet, especially if it is a heat-generating appliance, such as coffee makers, toaster ovens, irons and space heaters. Major appliances such as refrigerators, washers, dryers, stoves, air conditioners and microwave ovens should be plugged directly into a wall receptacle outlet.
Extension cords should be used temporarily. The plugs on cords are the places where heat builds up. The more cords that are connected together, the more trouble spots exist. The connection between an extension cord and an appliance cord does not have the same safety features as those that are built into a wall socket. That is why extension cords are not designed for long-term or permanent use, and should never be linked together.
In addition to a potential electrical fire, extension cords create a tripping hazard for older adults. Those with limited vision may not see a cord, and a walker or cane can easily become entangled with an extension cord. A qualified electrician can add more receptacle outlets, minimizing the need for extension cords.
Electrical cords should not be run under rugs or be pinched by heavy furniture. Those cords should be moved to reduce the risk of fire from overheating because of worn insulation. Electrical appliances and cords should be kept away from water. In addition, phones, laptops, or other devices should always be charged on a hard surface, not on a bed or sofa.
Arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) shut off electricity when a dangerous condition occurs. The AFCI is installed at the electrical panel and doesn’t look much different than a regular circuit breaker. AFCIs are mostly found in newly built homes, but can easily be installed in older homes equipped with circuit breakers.
Installing ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) receptacles can reduce deaths from electrical shock in and around the home by two-thirds. GFCIs should be installed by a qualified electrician in places near water such as kitchen counters, bathrooms and other areas subject to moisture, including the outdoors.
Electrical wiring, like all other systems, needs maintenance and inspection. Home electrical systems should be examined by a qualified electrician every 10 years. Small upgrades over time by a licensed electrician can ensure that an older adult’s home remains safe.
This is the second in a series of five “Retire the Fire!” articles this week in The Westfield News. Tina Gorman is the executive director of the Senior Center at 45 Noble St., Westfield. To reach the Senior Center, call 413-562-6435.
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